Collector and prospector, we have chosen (for 30 years) to devote our life to our passion and have made it our profession.
Long and regular trips to Asia (Pakistan, China, Burma, Vietnam, India ...), have allowed us to access an exceptional mineralogy that has fulfilled our requirement and our desire for perfection, and to count the greatest collectors. worldwide in our customers.
Today we are happy to share our long experience with you.

It is with the soul of a collector that we practice our profession.
Our acquisitions are selected with high standards and a lot of aesthetics.
A collection is unique and irreplaceable, and while it often emanates from a desire imbued with perfection, emotion and passion, it must also be reasoned.
We can support you in your collector's approach by offering you a choice of high quality specimens and bringing you experience and knowledge.
Françoise & Gilles Barras Gautier